Friday 22 April 2016

My Top Series To Watch!

Hello Lovlies! 
Today i thought i share with you my favourite online series which happen to all be American and even better are all on Netflix! So if your feeling stressed, having a relaxing night or like me need something to watch whilst you are procrastinating then why not give one of these series a try...

 1.Bates Motel 
Now this series has been my current obsession and have managed to watch all 3 series in around a week! Incase you don't know this series is based upon the film Psycho but don't worry you don't have watch the film because i haven't as the series is based before the film. This series is full of twist and turns and is pretty dark at times but i wouldn't say it was scary but i would definitely say its worth a watch if you like a good murder mystery.

2.Once Upon A Time 
This is one for all you fellow Disney lovers like me but they are not quite the happy and all singing stories you once knew, pretty much all of your favourite fairytale characters in one TV series! The story is set in a mystical town called StoryBrooke and its hard to describe this show without giving anything away but trust this series is full of magic, darkness and love stories.

3.Prison Break 
This is a series i never thought that id get into! I remember my brothers watching it when it was first released but think i was a bit too young to watch it back then. Last summer when i was in Cyprus we had the series box set with us and at night we would watch a couple of episodes and i was absolutely hooked, the moment we landed back home i put Netflix on and was made up that all of the series were no there!. The title kind of gives away the story that there is a bunch of men trying to escape from prison but it is so much more than that and is so clever it is a must need watch! (Like all of the series I'm going to mention, in my opinion).
 4.American Horror Story
Now I'm going to warn you this series wont be for everyone and at times it can be very creepy and weird and a little scary! But i absolutely love it, think my favourite series is the first one which is Murder House and i am yet to see Hotel. The cast is pretty much the same in each series with some changes but id give it a go and I'm if you like me you will love it!.

5.Vampire Diaries 
Personally i love a good vampire series! and you dont have to be a massive Twilight fan to watch (even though i am)as it very different, this series if full of love stories, murders, mystery, vampires, witches and werewolves! and I'm not going to lie there are some very handsome actors in this series so is worth a watch just to see them hehe! (I Love Ian Somerhalder).
6.Pretty Little Liars 
And to finish, here is one of my all time favourite series! Pretty Little Liars! Once again i know this isn't for everyone but if you do decided to watch this try and make it to the end of season one as a lot of people think the first few episode are quite slow. This series is full of twist and turns and makes you question every single character at some point. Incase you don't know its about a group of girls who have a bit of a stalker 'A' and thats all I'm going to say you just have to trust me and watch it!. 

So there you go, i hope you found something new to watch!
I am in need of a new series to watch, 
any recommendations?
Thankyou for reading!

Lots Of Love 

“Never trust a pretty girl with an ugly secret.” 
― Sara Shepard

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