Friday 22 September 2017

Why I Love Autumn!

Hello Lovelies! 
Its officially Autumn (or Fall) ! Like many others, Autumn is one of my favourite times of year and there are many reason whys I am very excited about this season despite the rather unpredictable wet and gloomy British weather (We can skip past that part).
Today I thought I would share with you my favourite things that I adore about this time of year.
(Image taken by MRH Productions)
Cosy Jumpers
There is nothing better than putting on a thick cosy knit jumper to keep you warm on those cold crisp mornings. I also love being able to whip out my winter coat collection, boots and layering with scarves, you could be wearing the simplest of outfits underneath but look stylish on the outside (well I try!). The only issue I have is when I go shopping, I usually get farrrr to warm (Especially in Primark) and end up stripping of my layers.

Dark Nights 
Autumn also means that the days are shorter and the nights come earlier, the clocks will go back an our on the 29th October in the UK which means we get an extra hour in bed!! Now who can complain about that. There is just something that is really cosy about coming home and getting a candle lit Lush hot bath, putting on my cosy PJS whilst having a hot chocolate . The mornings are of course darker too which can make it a little harder to get out of bed in the morning but something about the brisk morning chill that really wakes me up.

(Amazing Hot Chocolate from Toast Cafe, West Kirby @toast.cofee)

Crispy Leaves 
The sound of the the crispy leaves crunching under my feet is literally music to my ears and that's when you know that Autumn has finally arrived. Of course you also have the concors falling from the trees which just reminds me of my childhood. With the weather being that extra bit nippy it also means Coffee dates (or Hot Chocolate for me!) with friends or loves are a must.

Of course one of the main reasons that I love autumn is because it means Halloween is comingggg!! I really love Halloween and am really hoping that I get invited to a fancy dress party because I love dressing up. I have already seen some Halloween themed items in the shops and I am getting rather excited and do wish I lived in my own house because I would go to town on the decorations. This also means that I can watch Hocus Pocus on repeat! Plus Halloween is close followed by Bonfire Night, something I dont usually celebrate as I am often in work but hopefully I will make it to a display this year. 

Most of all I love Autumn because it means CHRISTMAS isn't too far away!!!!

Whats your favourite things about Autumn? 
Thankyou for reading! 

Lots Of Love 

'Autumn is a second spring 
when every leaf is a flower.'
 Albert Camus

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