Thursday 7 September 2017

I'v Graduated! What's Next?

Hello Lovlies! 
Long time no see I know! I Cant believe where this summer has gone, so much has been happening so I thought id fill you guys in on what new with me and my future plans!
So the big news and a huge relief for me is that iv GRADUATED!! After 3 wonderful and stressful years I now have a BA Honours Degree in Dance Practices! For those of you who don't I studied at Liverpool John Moores University and as much as I loved my time studying there, I was very relieved to be putting on my cap and gown. I am thinking of maybe writing up some university related posts's, so If you have any questions please let me know.

(How every dance student has to take their graduation picture!)

So whats next for me? 
(Who knowns!?)

My aim for my first year as a graduate is to honestly try as many different jobs in the arts industry as possible to see what I enjoy the most. I didn't want to rush my decision into going back to university to do my Masters or PGDE, I wanted to find an area that I love and then build upon that. Currently I have a couple opportunities lined up teaching classes in Primary Schools and within Dance Schools so as long as I enjoy what Im doing that will do me for now!. Plus I felt like I personally needed a bit of time away from the text books for my own sake.

Since I'm going to have a lot more free time on my hands (hopefully), I really want to get back into blogging full time as it is something that I really enjoy!. I finally got my MacBook fixed so it doesn't take what feel like hours to type on sentence!. Iv met some really inspirations bloggers lately and I hope one day I can inspire others! Watch this space!.

I have always loved taking photos and capturing the moment within an image. Whilst in University I had the opportunity to take a lot of dance photos for fellow course members to build up their portfolios and I just loved the whole process of taking the image to editing them. Even if this is just a hobby that I really want to learn more about the art of photography and learn a new skill.

Health & Well-being 
As many of you may know university can really take its toll on a person, especially their stress levels. Whilst in my final year of University I will admit I tended to spend a lot more time worrying about my work and less about my own health and well-being. You really get into a habit of getting up early, going to university all day, rehearsing at night and then crashing when you get home whilst forgetting to think about food or relaxing time. So now that that stress element has been taken away, I really want to focus on me, getting back into the gym and eating properly! Whilst taking moments out to relax.

I hope this has given you a bit more of an insight into 
what iv been up to and what is to come!  
Thanks for reading, hopefully will see you again soon! 

Lots Of Love 

“The future belongs to those who 
believe in the beauty of their dreams.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt

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